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I'm a Dork 4 Jay Brannan to see his links click here:

"The experience of the United States is a happy disproof of the error so long rooted in the unenlightened minds of well-meaning Christians, as well as in the corrupt hearts of persecuting usurpers, that without a legal incorporation of religious and civil polity, neither could be supported."

Fight the H8 in Your State"A mutual independence is found most friendly to practical religion, to social harmony, and to political prosperity."

~ Honorable James Madison, Jr., President, The United States of America, 1809–1817. The Father of the Constitution, Author of the Bill of Rights, Co Author of The Federalist Papers

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02 July 2008

Jay Brannan: Goddammed and Holding Trevor premiere this week

Two days ago
Jay Brannan's new album GODDAMNED came out for worldwide distribution on iTunes and a hard copy will be available when he begins his tour around the 15th of this month. Here is what Jay wrote to fans on MySpace and everywhere else too:

Well this is it, Release day! The big moment that...I've....been waiting for. My first full album is available on iTunes NOW!!! Yes, that means worldwide. There are 6 tracks from the album on my myspace page for your listening pleasure, and here's a long video of me talking and playing an all-new song from the album. To watch Jay sing a Norwegian lullaby in Norwegian
click here.

In other news about Jay, a couple years back, after SHORTBUS (which has been the source of a huge debate locally) ended production Jay Brannan (as Jake) and his best friend Brent Gorski (Trevor) got together and created with the help of Co-Producer Rosser Goodman and the beautiful Mellisa Searing (Andie), hottie Eli Kranski (Ephram), and farm boi Christopher Wyllie (as Darrell) round out the cast in this indie film HOLDING TREVOR which debuts in certain venues on Independence Day.

Everybody’s looking for something and Trevor Holden (Brent) is desperately looking for himself in all the wrong places (yet still seems to come up short) …or maybe he is just looking in all the wrong people. It’s pretty safe to say that he won’t find enlightenment in his strung-out boyfriend Darrell, as his oldest friend, Trevor feels a responsibility to help Darrell in his latest attempt at sobriety much to the dismay of his own best friends Jake and Andie.

after just witnessing his boyfriend Darrell overdose on heroin, Trevor is finally ready to call it quits. And just when he does, he meets the ever so charming and handsome Ephram. Despite the well-meaning advice offered by his sexually pervasive best friend and his self-righteous roommate Andie, simply being everything that Darrell is not wins Ephram a number of points up-front. As Trevor’s relationship with Ephram quickly progresses, it starts to put a strain on his friendships with Jake and Andie.

As the story progresses Jake (Jay), the self-proclaimed sex-addict, is starting to worry a little bit about his past catching up with him, namely in the form of HIV. And Andie, who drunkenly ends her sexual dry spell with a one-night stand, realizes that Jake might have less to worry about than she does. Meanwhile, Ephram accepts a job thousands of miles away in New York City, and he wants Trevor to go with him. Now, what started out as Trevor’s own personal existential journey, turns into a path that will lead everyone to what is most important: themselves and each other.

Holding Trevor is continually poignant, relentlessly self-deprecating, and just the type of cerebral dark comedy that can speak directly to the twenty-somethings of today while letting other generations in on the joke.

F6 LINKS & DIRECTORY: Other blogs on the bandwagon include:
GAYTRIX by Tom, with some awesome R Rated clips from the movie;
OBLIQUITY65 by ARG, with some more info on the actual production;
And just to provide the alternative perspective as is the
F6 editorial policy
Kirby @ Movie Dearest copied Rev. Chris Carpenter's review of the film.

last two photos are by ADAM BOUSKA

Editor is a dork for Jay Brannan:
To visit his links page click here;
To view the title track for GODDAMNED, Jay's new album, click here;
and for the song Lower My Gun, used on the first trailer (above), click here.

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give medals 4 killing men but 4 loving men they wish you were dead?

give medals 4 killing men but 4 loving men they wish you were dead?
thanks to the sacrifice of many the scourge of Dont Ask Dont Tell in the land of the free and home of the brave will be gone by the end of June!!!!