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F6, will be updated on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Saturdays as well as any major holidays for a regular schedule. F6, is best viewed using the latest version of Firefox with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768. PLEASE SCROLL DOWN TO VIEW THE BLOG ENTRIES THANK YOU for coming to exchange your views on life.

I'm a Dork 4 Jay Brannan to see his links click here:

"The experience of the United States is a happy disproof of the error so long rooted in the unenlightened minds of well-meaning Christians, as well as in the corrupt hearts of persecuting usurpers, that without a legal incorporation of religious and civil polity, neither could be supported."

Fight the H8 in Your State"A mutual independence is found most friendly to practical religion, to social harmony, and to political prosperity."

~ Honorable James Madison, Jr., President, The United States of America, 1809–1817. The Father of the Constitution, Author of the Bill of Rights, Co Author of The Federalist Papers

Come On People! Is your life really worth the risk? Wrap It Up!
Scroll down to the bottom of the page in order to view the Public Service Alert from Chi Chi La Rue
or to view all four videos and see the latest updates in this series click here please

11 August 2008

Dumpster Divas: A priceless quote found in the middle of a rubbish bin

"....Places in the universe must be very rare where we can walk naked away from our machines, breathe in the atmosphere, let the light of the nearest star fall on us, and find water to drink on the surface. While we can take technology with us to adapt to new places, it would be a good idea to take care of the one known place in the universe where we can do all these things......spaceship earth."

As found in a 1978 Astronomy Textbook by Actor and Producer J. B. Ghuman, Jr. (aka Tyrese Johonson in Gay In The US of A and I Don't Like Your Bottom) of Reality Rejectz while rummaging through the trash.

LINKS: J.B.'s Personal MySpace | Reality Rejectz MySpace | Reality Rejectz Muzik | Lube The Movie

More details will be available soon but I want to personally say "Thanks!" to everyone whom came out Saturday to play in the sandboxes and throw balls back and forth to help Save Maumee!!

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give medals 4 killing men but 4 loving men they wish you were dead?

give medals 4 killing men but 4 loving men they wish you were dead?
thanks to the sacrifice of many the scourge of Dont Ask Dont Tell in the land of the free and home of the brave will be gone by the end of June!!!!