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"The experience of the United States is a happy disproof of the error so long rooted in the unenlightened minds of well-meaning Christians, as well as in the corrupt hearts of persecuting usurpers, that without a legal incorporation of religious and civil polity, neither could be supported."

Fight the H8 in Your State"A mutual independence is found most friendly to practical religion, to social harmony, and to political prosperity."

~ Honorable James Madison, Jr., President, The United States of America, 1809–1817. The Father of the Constitution, Author of the Bill of Rights, Co Author of The Federalist Papers

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14 November 2007

Golden Showers: A private business plan to curb impared driving

While the comments will be endless on the head of this post (puns intended), what is even more ironic is that if this system were implemented in the United States every male in America would stop drinking alcohol at midnight just to pump themselves full of water in order to play the game.

For at least three months, straight bars would stop selling beer, and of course every gay bar in America would have to expand their mens restroom onto the dance floor, because it would be the gay bars primarily to install the game first since we already have the fifteen inch monitors everywhere anyway. All the straight bois would go there to play just to show off their mad control skills and still end up proving that gay boys can actually hit a hole that they aim for better still sober or drunk.

What is even more important is that this is a prime example of business leading a change for the betterment of society and as proof by the Belgium government anytime the government gets involved in private business they tend to fuck every great idea over since they didn't think of it themselves...
sounds like Fort Wayne government to a T too.

Story copied from R.J.R.'s PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK
While American cops are driving themselves crazy over men's room foot tapping, Belgian cops are freaking out over a new craze that has recently washed over their little country from big bad perverted Germany.

It began in Frankfurt, a rather conservative city mostly known for banking and business and long hot frankfurters. And speaking of long hot frankfurters, those clever Germans have developed a new video game technology called Piss-Screen that allows visitors to public men's room to operate a rather exciting video game with their piss stream.

Considered something of a public service, the racing game is installed in bars and as you and the other guys line up at the urinals, it allows you to compete against the other drunken urinaters. After the game, the screen displays anti-drunk driving slogans and numbers for local taxi companies.

Developed using much the same technology as the Wii, Piss-Screen allows players to steer by shifting the stream to the left and to the right, and their urine will make the turns happen on screen. Well, the Belgians are about as happy with this German advance as they were when Hitler invaded their sleepy little landscape in the early days of World War II. Les Belges are not amused and have banned the "Place to Pee" game declaring it to be an "indecency offense."
Additional story verification GayGamer: Games + Urination=
Link to the Piss Screen Game (currently overloaded)
Photo credit Matt's Dick Junkie (+18 Mature Audiences Only)

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give medals 4 killing men but 4 loving men they wish you were dead?

give medals 4 killing men but 4 loving men they wish you were dead?
thanks to the sacrifice of many the scourge of Dont Ask Dont Tell in the land of the free and home of the brave will be gone by the end of June!!!!